knitting with natural yarns

this video masterclass and follow-up email series is ready to take you from confused to confident knitter, all through the magic of natural yarns! 🧶

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One time

✓ pre-recorded captioned masterclass
✓ follow-up email series
✓ unlimited lifetime access

meet your guide

meet your guide ✳

leftie knitter, fibreshed advocate, wool lover

ash alberg is the queer fibre witch behind sunflower knit, from field to skin, and the snort & cackle podcast. ash makes their living by working with all-natural yarns sourced and spun entirely within the canadian fibreshed network and designing patterns with natural yarns from similar small yarn companies around the world. by profession, ash is a knitwear designer and natural dyer. by life, ash is a fibre witch, hedgewitch, queer femme, and parent to the resident coven pooch, willow. ash helps fellow fibre witches to connect, create, and get confident through an online community, online courses, and curated collection of products for makers by makers.

what you’ll learn

  • and what all yarns have in common 🧶

  • how to substitute yarns for your favourite patterns, how the magic of swatching will help you bring play back into your knitting, and how to take care of your knits to keep them in tip-top shape for years to come!

  • after class, you’ll continue to receive a series of tips & tricks emailed straight to your inbox over the following weeks to help you put those new skills to use

course questions

  • of course not. in fact, we highly discourage tossing your existing stash just to replace it with natural yarns. knit what you love, and hopefully after this class you’ll be more in love AND more comfortable with knitting with natural yarns!

  • definitely not! while we love a good undyed natural yarn in any shade, you can also get a beautiful rainbow of colours from naturally dyed yarns too. and as you’ll learn in class, the colour of your yarn does not necessarily determine whether your yarn is natural or not.

  • you will never learn everything about the wide world of natural yarns from a single source, including this class. that being said, if you've already wasted time, money, and energy on frogged projects that didn’t do what you wanted them to do after you tried swapping out yarns, i can guarantee you'll learn a lot more from this class even if you never take advantage of the additional resources provided to you in your follow-up emails.

  • cool beans, this is not the right class for you. all the material is hosted via pre-recorded/captioned video class and the following email resources are also all sent online.

  • probably not. there are scattered swear words throughout your video class and if you truly care more about that than learning about how to use natural yarns for your knitting, this isn't the right fit for you.

  • due to the nature of digital products, there are no refunds available. if you have any questions before making your purchase, feel free to get in touch!

knitting with natural yarns masterclass
One time