unfolding (2019)

my first truly large-scale project after going full-time with sunflower knit in 2018 was my unfolding collection, a series of 12 shawl knitting patterns inspired by the moon sign in astrology. your moon sign is the placement of the moon at the time of your birth, and signifies your emotional self. patterns were designed with thought towards the stitches used as well as the colour of the yarn to create an overall composition that felt true to each sign. the romance copy of each pattern gave a little bit of information for the knitter about what that placement might mean for them as far as themes and shadow work they might recognize in their own life.

the patterns were released on my birthday that year alongside my biggest naturally dyed yarn release to date, a (now humble to me) collection of 2 skeins dyed in a rainbow to match the patterns. they continue to be a bonus for newsletter subscribers.

design, sample knitting, styling, videography, and photography by me.

models: me and stephan azulay


swatching the tarot (2020)


bison doll for fortwhyte alive (2018)