cwtch (2019-2021)

cwtch: finding ritual in the everyday

created in collaboration with harrisville designs, ash alberg of sunflower knit and samson learn of samson photography come together once again to bring you a beautiful volume that will delight all of your senses. containing 10 new shawl knitting patterns as well as 18 recipes for food, drink, and simple potions for home and body care, this book will help you find ritual in the everyday.

journey with ash through family history, lore, and ancestral magic.

our third book together was initially inspired by the nightshades yarn line release from harrisville designs, an historic mill in the northeastern united states. collaborating further with circle of stitches yarn store, flax & sage clothing, and prairie breeze folk arts studio, the book’s premise of patterns combined with recipes grew out of the everyday magic collections. our original plan was to photograph the family recipes at my home featuring my nan’s old china and pottery from grace boyd in early winter 2019, followed by shooting the shawl patterns in salem, massachusetts in spring 2020. then a little thing called COVID-19 threw a wrench in our plans. eventually, i photographed the shawls myself in winter 2020, and found a new-to-us print house (friesens) after our old one shut down earlier in the pandemic. the book was released in spring 2021 after we drove down to altona around my birthday to pick them up.

the book

the patterns

cwtch: finding ritual in the everyday cwtch: finding ritual in the everyday
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cwtch: finding ritual in the everyday

everyday magic (2017-2022)


swatching the tarot (2020)